
Filled and feeling it

I finally got a fill last Tuesday. WOW! It was really cool to see how the band works. The Dr put the needle in the port, and filled my band up with saline. Then I had to drink barium, which everyone says taste terrible, I found it to be not so bad. I took 2 good sips, and then I got that feeling, the feeling of all hell breaking loose in my throat and the world is going to come back out. The Dr starts laughing, he says you see that is what you are NOT supposed to feel like. Then he backed out some of the saline until I felt better. I could see the barium going down through the tiny hole in the band, it looked like a thread in my tummy. I then took 2 big sips of water to make sure it went down ok. For the next few days it was liquids and soft foods, and now I am back to normal food. I am having to get used to eating such a small amount of food again, after being able to eat whatever and how much for so long, I have to re-train myself.

Mom and I went to the mall yesterday, and I could barely eat a bowl of soup at Applebee's, then I tried to eat a chicken wing and there you go, eyes tearing and that stuck feeling once again. Oh that hurts so bad. But, I'm down a pound this week, would be more, but I'm on an Iced Coffee kick from DD, and of course Joe brings one home for me, and doesn't order it with Splenda and skim milk.

Well, my Wii Fit will be in on Wednesday, I cannot wait to get it. It looks so cool and so much fun. I do like taking the babies for walks, but they are at a stage where all they do in the stroller is fight with each other. Poor Keira has scratches all over her pretty little face. Not sure how to stop that, but need to figure it out soon.

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