
Sleep, It's so Over rated

Ok, so I've been up since about 3 am. Kendall had a bit of gas, or she was cold, I just don't know anymore. She just doesn't like to sleep, never has. Two nights ago she slept through, one of the few times in the past 15 months, I felt like crap the next day, too much sleep. Go figure! Why is it that twins of all people have to be so different. Keira sleeps so GOOD, has since about 3 months all night, except when she is really sick, only about 3 times. Kendall, NEVER!!!!! God HELP ME!!! I'm serious this really sucks! So, I proceed to get ready for work thinking I can actually make it there by 8 since Joey has no school, ok I got there at 8:45. So much for that.

It's too freaking cold out. I want to got out walking, (insert whine here) it's not fair. I just got this new stroller (check it out over there) to put the girls in to explore the 'hood and get some miles on the pedometer, and it is 17 freaking degrees out. So, I'll crank up the music when I get home and dance around like a fool, the girls and Joey love to see mommy act like a nut, they laugh so loud.

So, I did a no no this morning, I got on the scale on a no weigh day. It's Friday and my weigh day is Monday, but I'm getting a little OCD about the damn scale. I'm down another pound, too cool! I love my band, I need to name it, any suggestions? My mom did my measurements today since tomorrow is Saturday and that is measurement day (the 1st of the month). I have lost a total of 7 inches since I got my band (the 5th of Feb.). I LOVE MY BAND!!!!!


The girls first birthday!

Ok so it was November 18th. I'm a little slow, but since I just started this blog yesterday, I'm backtracking. We had a pretty big party at our house. I guess there was in excess of 25 people there not including the kids, I couldn't stop them long enough to count them. We just got our house last July so I didn't know if it would hold that many people with all of the furniture in it. On July 4th, we had a HUGE pool party, but we didn't move in yet so it didn't matter how many people were there. Anyway, back to the birthday party, it was the day after Joey's 6th birthday party at Little Scoops, I know what was I thinking. So, we made lots of food, Dennette did, I made Baked Ziti and she did the rest. Love ya Necky! The whole family was there. It was a blast. I made this huge cupcake cake for the girls, and 2 smaller ones for them to play with, they didn't really care for it too much. But Keira did end up wearing most of her frosting. Here are a few pictures from that day (hopefully I can do this):

Jimbo and Keira

Tori and Kendall

YUMMY cakes!

So, I hit a big milestone in my WL journey yesterday. I didn't say anything about it because I didn't really believe it. It was the first time in 12 years that I saw the #1 at the beginning of the scale. I almost passed out. I thought this was going to be a lot harder than it has been thus far, but I really do not miss eating that much. I just started back on soft foods from a full liquid diet that consisted of yogurt, pudding, and cream soups. Pretty much anything that would flow through a funnel at room temperature. I got pretty sick of cream soups by then end of 2 weeks. So, now I get to eat tuna and chicken salad, soft low fat deli meat, soft cheese, fat free refried beans, soft meats, soft veggies, and soft fruits (canned in light juice). It feels good to chew again. In 2 weeks I can start incorporating solid foods one at a time to see what I can tolerate. Right now I have a scrambled egg sitting in my throat for over an hour and it is starting to bother me. Not sure what to do about it. I guess I just wait to see if it goes down....HHMMM!

Joe had a beer last night, I took a sip. It didn't taste good. Glad I take that migraine medicine, makes life much easier on that end. I could really go for a Margarita, but that is way too cold for me right now, maybe by summer. I did have a taste of wine (by taste I mean sip), it was Pomegranate, and it was good, and I was buzzed. Oh well, guess that is what happened when you do not consume solid food for 3 weeks.


So here we go

I'm starting this blog to journal my family, life and a special journey that I am taking into what I call 'bandland'. I am the proud wife and mother of 3 beautiful children. I have a 6 year old son Joey who is the apple of my eye, when he is good, but when he is bad, oh my! Then there are the girls, Keira and Kendall, they are 15 months old. The most adorable (if I do say so) little girls in the whole world, big blue eyes, blonde hair and milky smooth skin. OK enough doting. And let's not forget the fur baby Buddy, my Shit Zhu, my pal, love him.

So, I will be using this blog to tell my family and friends about our life, it's easier to keep everyone updated this way. I will also be showing off my digital scrapbooking layouts (as soon as I create them) from time to time, and posting updated pictures of the kids. It probably won't be update too frequently, if you know me, once a week will be a treat, once a month will be special, if your lucky once every 2 or 3 months. Really, I will try my best. But hey I am a full time working out of the home mom of 3, who has time for bloggin'!!!

Oh yeah! My special journey! OK so most of my family already know and 2 of my closest friends know, but I recently had WLS (weight loss surgery), I had a Realize Band implanted around my stomach. Here is the website if you want more info:
http://www.realizeband.com/. I will be using this blog probably to bitch and whine about not being able to eat my favorite foods, or drink my Miller Lites, but hey, I want to be healthy and skinny for my kids and live a long and happy life, that is better than beer any day!!!

So here we go!!!!!


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