
So here we go

I'm starting this blog to journal my family, life and a special journey that I am taking into what I call 'bandland'. I am the proud wife and mother of 3 beautiful children. I have a 6 year old son Joey who is the apple of my eye, when he is good, but when he is bad, oh my! Then there are the girls, Keira and Kendall, they are 15 months old. The most adorable (if I do say so) little girls in the whole world, big blue eyes, blonde hair and milky smooth skin. OK enough doting. And let's not forget the fur baby Buddy, my Shit Zhu, my pal, love him.

So, I will be using this blog to tell my family and friends about our life, it's easier to keep everyone updated this way. I will also be showing off my digital scrapbooking layouts (as soon as I create them) from time to time, and posting updated pictures of the kids. It probably won't be update too frequently, if you know me, once a week will be a treat, once a month will be special, if your lucky once every 2 or 3 months. Really, I will try my best. But hey I am a full time working out of the home mom of 3, who has time for bloggin'!!!

Oh yeah! My special journey! OK so most of my family already know and 2 of my closest friends know, but I recently had WLS (weight loss surgery), I had a Realize Band implanted around my stomach. Here is the website if you want more info:
http://www.realizeband.com/. I will be using this blog probably to bitch and whine about not being able to eat my favorite foods, or drink my Miller Lites, but hey, I want to be healthy and skinny for my kids and live a long and happy life, that is better than beer any day!!!

So here we go!!!!!

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