I finally have a digi scrap page to post. Actually, it is a 2 page spread. I met up with my girl friends the other night, haven't seen them in like forever. It was great. We went to Cheeseburger in Paradise, food was good, company was awesome. I sure miss getting together with them, but life and babies seems to have gotten in the way. I am actually going to a crop with them next weekend (better get some pictures ready), can't wait for that.
Easter was an eventful day. We went to my mom's in the morning, and Joe's Grandfather's in the Poconos for dinner. We had a Great Day in all. It was nice to see Joe's Aunt Susan from Iowa and her kids, we do not get to see them often. Jimmy and Christina were also there as well as Joe's mom and Walter, Joe's uncle John and his family and of course Grandpa. It was really nice. Christina took a really nice picture of the girls, that I'm hoping to get my hands on the file so I can scrap it, they actually look angelic.
I am having a hard time on the weight loss side of life right now. Having all of this Easter candy and the actually Easter holiday, just killed me. I gained a pound. Cheesecake is an evil thing although it tastes fabulous! And Grandpa gets it from the Pocono Cheesecake Factory so it is even better. Almost (well maybe it is) better than sex!!!!! I'm glad I only get to have it like twice a year.
I scrapped! Easter stuff too!
Happy St Patty's Day
We celebrated St Patty's day yesterday. Mom made corned beef and cabbage. It was so good. Unfortunately, I was unable to eat too much because for some reason, it got stuck. Oh that really stinks. I only get to eat it once a year, and it got stuck. Thomas and Tori, Mom and Dad and the rest of us enjoyed dinner. Here are a few pictures.
I am down another 2 pounds this week. I wore a pair of jeans that I couldn't get on before surgery and I can get them on and off without unbuttoning them. Too cool!!! I have been eating a lot more than normal, I think I need a fill. But, I have been PBing (means productive burping, you burp and the food comes out) a lot as well, I am eating way too fast and getting the food stuck. At least once a day this is happening, I really need to chill out. I am just going to hurt myself, and my band and I really do not want to do that. I LOVE my Band. I haven't been this weight since... I don't remember the last time I was this weight.
Flowers, Soccer and RAIN
What a weekend we had. Joey spent Thursday, Friday and Saturday nights at my mom's house. He loved all of the attention. He also had his last soccer game on Saturday night, he got the cutest little trophy. He said he doesn't want to play soccer anymore, it is boring. Oh well, baseball starts in a few weeks. Can't wait until the girls start sports and activities, we will be running in different directions all of the town. The joys of parenthood. It was so fun to watch Joey play soccer, running with all the little people up and down the field, wishing I had half of their energy.
Saturday morning, we went to a flower and garden show at the Sussex County Fair Grounds, it took us more than 2 hours to get there, because of the horrible RAIN. We made it and it took us a half hour to walk the whole show. So we did it twice. The poor babies was so sick of sitting in the car when we got home, but they was so well behaved.
It amazes me how they can act so good in public, and as soon as we get home, they start screaming and beating each other with toys and brushes and whatever else they can get their hands on. Kendall has 5 small holes in her forehead, and a nice bruise. It's kind of hard to see in the picture, but they are there. Kendall got revenge this morning by promptly whacking Keira in the head with a small toy radio. Just what we have to look forward to I guess.
I'm down another pound this week. I have learned that I cannot eat in the morning. At least not scrambled eggs. They seem to get stuck and come back up. Not a pretty sight or sound as my hubby puts it. I am now moving back to 'real' food, meaning, I get to try to eat normally. So far I have been able to eat a half of tuna on toast, which I might say was YUMMY. I had a very small piece of Lasagna last night. And that is about all of the 'real' food that I have tried. I like eating my chicken salad and protein drinks. And whatever is for dinner I just eat the protein part, and maybe some of the veggies. Ok i just learned that I also cannot eat while doing anything except eating. I cannot have a conversation, do work, pay attention to anything but the food on my plate. I really want to get out and exercise, but the darn rain and cold are back and with a vengeance. UGH! Why can't I live in a warm tropical state.
Tickle, Tickle, Tickle
That is Keira's new words. She repeats it of course, but she says it. It is the cutest thing. It just sort of popped out the other night when I was playing with them on the floor. Joe and I looked at each other and laughed and tried to make her say it again. She did over and over. Kendall just laughs and laughs, she had this sort of evil gotcha laugh, I can't remember what movie it is from, but I've heard it before, it is almost sinister, too freaking cute.
Not much else new on the home front. Except the pool liner is ripping really bad, and needs replacing, which we probably will not be able to do because it is more than the budget will allow at this time. It kind of sucks, we have this huge pool in the yard, and we may not be able to swim in it. If we let the liner go, it may collapse the pool, and then we cannot fix it because the town will not let us because it is not up to code. It was put in before the codes were written so it is grandfathered. We can maintain it, but not change it in any way. UGH!!!
I am down another 1.5 pounds. This is so great, I am not really trying,(just sticking to the plan) and the weight is just falling off. Never in my life would I have thought I could lose weight this easy. Last night my mom made dinner for us and my brother and Tori. She also baked a cake, and guess what, I had a BITE and I was OK with that. Just a BITE. It was YUMMY, but I didn't want or NEED anymore. I was totally satisfied with a BITE, just a taste. Can you say WOW, what the hell happened to me on Feb 5th? Did they do a band or a lobotomy? I did have a bad experience yesterday though with a scrambled egg. I took too big of a bite and didn't chew well, and it got stuck and came back out. OUCH! I will NEVER let that happen again.